If you would like to hang out with other folks looking to get to know Jesus better; folks who want to hear more about God’s story and be part of it, come and see what River of Grace Christian Community is about.


discover authentic community

We’re not what you would typically call “a church.” We’re not a building offering a bunch of programs and events. We meet weekly in small cells of 4-12 people in various places in Huntley, IL and the surrounding suburbs. We meet to talk about how our own personal stories fit into God’s story, to encourage one another in our walk with Jesus, to laugh, pray, and share some food. There’s room for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re just getting to know Jesus, have been AWOL and want to come back; have been walking with Jesus for a while; or just want to check out the whole Jesus thing for the first time.

We see ourselves as a community of thirsty folks ready and willing to show other thirsty folks where they can get a long, cool drink of grace. For us, it’s all about God’s Story—all about relationships and grace. It’s all about walking with Jesus in the nitty gritty of everyday life and sharing that life with others.

Genuine Worship

And we’re not about “going to church on Sunday.” Well, at least not in the typical way. When we (all the cells) get together to praise and worship, we celebrate God and the fact that we’re his beloved sons and daughters. We remember who we are— our true identity. We remember God’s story. We celebrate the fact that we’re a part of it. And we thank Jesus for the cross and his awesome grace. Come and see!

God's Story. Your Identity.

“God's Story. Your Identity” is a digital space for exploring topics related to Jesus and Christianity in a raw — tell it like it is— no churchy lingo, way.

Take a journey through five engaging and informative videos that lay out God’s overarching story and your place in it. Yes, your own unique, personal story has a place in this grand God-size narrative that gives profound meaning and purpose to every person’s life.